Start Up or Stand Firm

I love reading about all of the new “starts” for the new year. New goals, fresh perspective, new strength, epic motivation – all encouraging us to press forward toward God’s best this year. But what about those who are in the middle? Sometimes you can’t start over in a situation or relationship just because it’s a new year, whether positive or negative. There are things lingering that have to be maintained or managed. Some of these things can be draining mentally, physically and emotionally. So what do those of us who are not “starting fresh” do at this obvious open door for newness?

Well, I have an encouragement! Whether you are starting up or standing firm, what we really need is fresh perspective! The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 2:14, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.”

The word “triumph” means to rejoice over a success or to “be victorious over”. In other words, God always leads us to be victorious over our circumstance. It can get really muddy in the middle when your vision becomes blurred and you lose our way. But here’s the truth! We can operate from a place “of” victory not “to” victory!  God always leads us into TRIUMPH!

So how does that change how we see our our current situation? For me, it transforms my perspective from, “I have to figure out how to make this work, make it right, or fix it” to “God, you’ve already given me complete and total victory in every area of my life.” So, my role is not to worry or have anxiety about how to fight, but to rest in the fact that I seek Him through the journey. I look at Him. I can rest in His ability and just “be” the sweet aroma of this knowledge in Christ! He is my victory and I rest in His presence. I follow His lead. As I take each step “with victory leading me,” I am able to stand firm, being confident and brave until God completes the story…and He will! The story is called VICTORY. And you, my friend, will be stronger, wiser, more confident, steadfast and resolved that this magnificent God we serve has GOT YOU!  He’s won the victory and, therefore, so have you!!!

Standing firm is equally as important as starting up – just so ya know!

2 thoughts on “Start Up or Stand Firm

  1. This is a wonderful encouraging word. I will use this wisdom to encourage those I know who are “in the middle”, this not only helps those in the middle but also those of us who see loved ones there.

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